Dress Codes
Clothes for Bowls
The most important item is Shoes:
Shoes can be any colour or style must must be FLAT SOLED to protect the green, and not open toed or sandals to protect your feet.
For a practice or rollup, for instance on a Monday Club night, any comfortable smart casual clothing is acceptable.
For league matches and friendlies:
The official club sports shirts (club shirt) is white with green collar and green sleeve edging (there are slight variations for mens’ and ladies shirts).
The club badge is positioned on the left top front of the shirt.
There is always a stock of various sizes and these can be ordered from Margaret Arscott.
Skirts, trousers, shorts or crops should be white or cream for daytime matches, and grey for evening matches (except North Devon Triples League games when grey is always worn!).
Waterproofs should be predominantly white.
All clothing can be of any design from any clothes outlet, though those designed for bowls are often more comfortable and can be bought from specialist bowls suppliers.
Sweatshirts, fleeces, jumpers, cardigans should be green and club badged, or predominantly white. Club badged cold weather gear can be purchased from Rocket and Rose in Winkleigh, 01837 682827 [email protected].
Headwear should be white.
For County Competitions reference should be made to the dress code at:
Bowls Devon Schedules 3.1-3.6 http://www.bowlsdevon.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/SCHEDULE-5-1.pdf and
Bowls England Rules and Regulations http://www.bowlsengland.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Competition_Regulations_2019_FINAL-2.pdf.