Short Mat
The North Tawton Short Mat Bowling Club (NTSMBC) has been running since we opened the New Clubhouse in 2017.
We have a number of members keen to play this sport, which we run from End September to End March each year.
During the 'winter' period we play both league games and roll-up games.
League games are either held in the afternoon or in the evening. Afternoon games commence at 2:00pm and evening games at 7:00 pm.
There are various leagues that can be entered, currently we have two teams in the Afternoon Merton league and two teams in the evening Star League. As the club grows we can include others.
Roll up games are essentially practice periods, but we do play Umbrella games where a wining player can earn points. After the winter period ends, these points produce a winner(s) and a trophy is presented for each roll-up period.